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  Public Ticket #700929
How do I change the main navigation bar background color


  • Linda started the conversation

    Hi - great theme!  Could you please tell me how to override the main navigation hover background color.  It is currently set to #eee - I want it to be df2bba.  I have been working on this for many hours and would love some assistance : )

    Thanks very much!

  •  184
    George replied

    Hi Linda,

    Please go to iSloping option -> General Settings, paste the next code to Custom CSS field and save changes.

    nav ul li a:hover{background: #df2bba!important; color:#ffffff!important;}
    nav ul li:hover>ul{ opacity: 1; position:absolute; background:#df2bba!important; top:99%; left:0;}
    nav ul li:hover > a {background:#df2bba!important;}
    .current-menu-parent a {background:#df2bba!important; color:#ffffff!important;}
    .current-menu-item a {background:#df2bba!important; color:#ffffff!important;}
    .current_page_parent a {background:#df2bba!important; color:#ffffff!important;}

    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,


  • Linda replied

    Thanks George!  That worked perfectly! 


  •  184
    George replied

    You are welcome!

    Best regards,
